Here are some
things we can fix:

  • Not to brag, but I've made miracles happen. Check out my success stories page to read how I helped a woman -- who every Western doctor had given up on -- conceive a baby in 2 days.

  • I helped a patient who only had menses every few YEARS start to have a normal monthly cycle for the first time in her life.

    I also helped a patient who suffered from menopausal dryness overcome this challenge. I love working on hormonally-caused issues!

  • If you have an injury that just won't heal or suffer from something constant and horrible like low back/sciatic pain, let's fix it!

    It takes a few sessions to start to see results, but I always love that moment when my patients stop asking me, "When is this going to start working?" and switch to saying "I can't believe it's working!"

  • Let's face it: stress impacts the body and mind!

    Acupuncture is one of the best ways to de-stress, and I love seeing the way that even my most stressed-out patients seem to float after their sessions :)

  • Does your jaw hurt and do weird things?

    Let's stick some needles in there.

    TMJD is no match for acupuncture!

    I always like to treat the root cause of the issue, and I find that many cases of jaw pain are actually connected with tense neck and shoulders, too. So my treatments often accompany acupuncture points that relieve neck and shoulder tension.

  • Acupuncture has a long and fascinating history as a tool for addiction recovery. It can help you feel better so that you don't use such toxic materials as a crutch. There are also acupuncture points that help people strengthen their willpower, resolve, and commitment to their healing journey.