Featured Case Study #1:

“I’ve been struggling with a very uncomfortable skin rash on my hands for two weeks now and a weird sensation of overheat in my body and give me a great amount of sweat and stress. A friend of mine highly recommended me to visit Emma, acupuncturist. I booked an appointment to her Brooklyn studio.

As soon as I arrived, Emma welcomed me with a warm smile and powerful “hi” that gives joy: I guessed the treatment had started already. The clinic is beautifully decorated with noble materials like wood, fabric, glass… in a very elegant style. I felt relaxed already

Once installed on the bed, Emma asked me several questions about my understanding of the origin of the rash, my diet habits, etc etc. Then she explained to me the meaning of the rash, what would be the treatment but most importantly her diagnostic. I was quite impressed because she figured out immediately what could have been the cause of the rash.

The session was wonderful, Emma is extremely attentive, and her technique is impeccable. Each needle hit the perfect spot. She did not put too much needles, but they were all at the right place. I felt the tension leaving my body very quickly, my heartbeat (and stress) slowing down very quickly, and I fell asleep for the rest of the session.

When I woke up, beside feeling extremely relaxed, like in a silky cloud, I notice immediately that my hands were less red and less inflamed, but most importantly that my body temperature had dropped down. I was not sweaty anymore. Emma stayed with me for a few minutes. Until I leave.

Also, Emma encouraged me to follow a Chinese herb treatment that happened to be very efficient and helped a lot to cool my body temperature.

After just one the rash had not disappeared completely but the inflammation was significantly reduced, and the uncomfortable sensation of overheating was completely gone. 48 hours later, 90% of the rash is gone.

I cannot thank enough Emma to not only fix rash but most importantly to make me understand its origin in order to have a more comprehensive healing process. Emma is a gem, I cannot recommended her enough.”

Featured Case Study #2:
Miracle Pregnancy

Meng, 29, had a history of 5 miscarriages and 2 ectopic pregnancies, resulting in surgical fallopian tube removal. After visiting numerous fertility specialists at Columbia University hospital, she was still unable to conceive a child. Finally, as a last resort, she was referred to acupuncture. Two days after her first session with Emma, she became pregnant. Emma provided a dietary plan, and they committed to weekly follow-up treatments throughout the first trimester. Ultimately, Meng successfully gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

In a follow-up email, these were Meng’s words: "I just gave birth to a baby boy, Zander. See attached for some photos of him! He was born three weeks ago. It’s been a huge learning curve to take care of the newborn while recovering from the delivery, but he has brought so much joy! I can’t wait for you to meet him someday. Thank you again for all of your support in this process and journey!"


“Emma is the reason I believe in acupuncture. While I have sought out multiple acupuncturists since my sessions with her, she is unparalleled in my experience. Prior to my first session, I had at most 4 or 5 consecutive menstrual cycles since my first-ever period (often hormonally induced), which would sometimes disappear for up to 2-3 years. […] I felt instantly at ease sharing and learning from Emma’s holistic health inquiry. A week on the dot after her first tailored acupuncture treatment, I had a period. […] Almost a year since my sessions with Emma, I have had 11 regular periods for the first time in my life. […] I feel a profound gratitude to Emma for catalyzing the start of a year-long healing journey that has dramatically changed how I live. She is exceptionally skillful, joyfully curious and knowledgeable about Chinese medicine, intuitive and kind, and has a genuinely peace-inducing aura. I have never been more excited to write a testimonial because I genuinely believe her work can change lives.”

— Amy 24

“I liked Emma’s energy from the moment I met her. It was my first time doing acupuncture, and her ability to see me gave me both peace and an excitement for the healing I would receive. She is intuitive and kind, honest and empathetic.”

— Peter, 35

“Emma’s acupuncture technique is bold and forward-thinking. She has helped me move past blocks I didn’t even know were holding me back from my healing. She is a true gift to whoever she is working with.”

— James, 67